dynamic flashcards logo on a white background

Have fun in lessons while reinforcing dynamics!

There are numerous ways you can use these flashcards. I like to use them as a memory game, printing each page on different colored card and turning them face down in two separate areas of the desk. Students choose one card from each section, if they match they get to keep the pair, if not then they are returned face down to the same place and it is the next player’s turn. Students love trying to get multiple pairs in a row.

Quite often students will remember the English meaning of the dynamic mark, but not always the Italian expression. This PDF allows for reinforcement of the dynamic marking, English meaning AND Italian expression.

For added fun, when you turn over the card you have to read it at the volume of what is shown on the card!

To help your flashcards last longer, try printing on cardstock instead of paper and laminate to prevent wear and tear.

a stack of cards with the letters m, p, f, m, p, f, m,

© Angela Dwyer 2024